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Ministry Teams

It takes everyone to do their part to make a community flourish, and at Grace, we believe everyone has a place.  So here are a few volunteer opportunities where we have a need.  Both adults and youth can use their talents to serve God and the Grace community.
If you would like to learn more about any of these opportunities, please contact the church office.  This in no way commits you to the service opportunity.

Community Outreach Team

We are looking for individuals who want to serve the community and let the community know that we are here to serve them.

Congregational Care Team

We are looking for individuals who enjoy talking and visiting people.  This team calls and visits congregation members when they are sick, lost of a loved one, or during other times of need.

Education Team

We are looking for individuals who are interested in teaching bible and personal development classes for adults and youth.

Hospitality Team

We are looking for individuals who enjoy planning for events big or small.  Whether it is cooking, decorating, or organizing, your talents are needed to make every event at Grace a success.

Music Team

We are looking for individuals who wants to sing or play an instrument for the glory of God.

Technology Team

We are looking for individuals who enjoy learning and playing with technology.  This team is responsible for the sound system and visual graphics during Sunday worship.

Usher Team

We are looking for individuals who would like to prepare the sanctuary for worship service, greet individuals at the door, and make sure everything runs smoothly on Sunday mornings.

Women Ministry Team

We are looking for individuals who are interested in educating and empowering women to impact change in their everyday lives!

Youth Activities Team

We are looking for individuals to have fun with youth by coordinating special events and programs.  In addition, we are always looking for chaperones for field trips.

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